Motivation Based Interviewing (MBI)

Motivation Based Interviewing (MBI) is at the heart of Movēre’s approach to recruitment. Developed by Carol Quinn, MBI is a proven method used worldwide to identify high achievers—candidates who possess the self-motivation, resilience, and drive necessary for outstanding performance.

At Movēre, we leverage MBI to go beyond traditional hiring practices, which often rely on behavioral questions or gut instinct. While these methods can offer some insights, they are not reliable predictors of future success. MBI, on the other hand, focuses on uncovering the intrinsic motivations and attitudes that lead to consistent high achievement.

Julie Clément, the president of Movēre, is certified to use and teach MBI. She applies this method to ensure that every candidate you consider is evaluated not just on their skills and experience, but also on their passion, motivation, and potential to excel in the role.

MBI helps you make more informed hiring decisions by identifying candidates who have the ‘can-do’ attitude, the drive to go the extra mile, and the ability to thrive in your organizational culture. With MBI, you can confidently build a team of high performers who will contribute to your company’s success.

Learn more about how MBI can transform your recruitment process by contacting Julie Clément at

Research has identified three components common to all high achievers: skill, attitude, and passion. Among these, skill is the only component that can be developed or changed after someone is hired. However, attitude and passion are the driving forces behind self-motivation, and if either of these is lacking, you won’t have a High Performer.

The reality is that you cannot change someone’s attitude or passion—they are intrinsic qualities. Yet, many organizations waste significant time, energy, and money trying to do just that. Doesn’t it make more sense to correctly identify and hire self-motivated individuals from the start, rather than bringing in people who don’t fit the mold and then attempting to shape them into what you originally needed?

At Movēre, we focus on helping you find those who already possess the attitude and passion needed for success, ensuring that you hire the right person from the outset.